Dealing with toxic masculine energy

Dealing with toxic masculine energy

There is an uprising going on: the feminine energy—and that does not only include women—is claiming its rights back and refuses to let the masculine energy take advantage of it anymore. The cycle of perpetrator and victim is broken, after centuries of patriarchy. Women are asking to be the equal of men, and over the last few decades the situation has vastly changed.

But it’s not only about women vs men, it’s also about the inner balance of masculine and feminine energies within each one of us, regardless of our sexual organs. Growing up in a society where the masculine energy is put above anything else leads to all sorts of unbalanced attitudes: putting the mental above emotions; normalising domination and control; accepting agressive behaviours and war as inevitable; thinking we have to smash others first before they smash us. In one word: a miserable vision of the world. We’ve missed the point, and our fathers before us as well. We don’t live in a world that is fundamentally like that, it’s just the way people have behaved before us. It doesn’t mean we need to perpetuate such behaviours stemming from ignorance and low level of consciousness. In fact, we absolutely have to change that and the more men wake up to the abuse of our fathers, the more we can do something about it.

People often think that grand spiritual truths are one thing, one ideal that is to be considered but “practical life” is another realm and has to be violent and unfair and difficult etc. That’s where we’re getting it wrong! Our day to day life should exactly match our higher spiritual beliefs. And, granted, that is where it becomes difficult. But that’s also how we prove who we truly are. So when we are facing difficult situations is exactly when we should bring in our intentions and make the highest choice.

Some people, men or women, can be very agressive. They have not learned to express their masculine energy in a healthy way, and that is their lesson to learn. But in the face of that toxic energy, it is the duty of those with higher consciousness to refuse being the target (or the witness) of such behaviours. Especially among men, we must refuse to see our peers behaving poorly towards other men or women. The toxic masculine energy has been very much normalised in this world and we have only recently begun to undo it. Women are looking towards us for support, for strength. I mean: real strength, the true nature of power, which is very different from brute force. Those who seek domination do not have true power, they use fear manipulation shame and all sorts of emotional techniques to dominate their preys and they feed from the negativity they induce in their victims. They feel intoxicated from that false sense of power. But, in truth, they are weak! The bullies and tyrant of this world feel highly insecure deep inside and need constant reassurance of their domination. People grow tired of their behaviours and resent them secretly, seeking their fall and destruction. And surely, one day, their power collapses, revealing the trickery it’s always been: it is only the weakness and passivity of those willing to accept their domination that ever gave them power. The victims were hypnotised, stuck in a role play of abuser/victim.

Recently, I’m closing a chapter of dealing with such a toxic masculine energy. A cunning man working in the property industry, using his knowledge of the legal system to assert his power and extort money with blatant dishonesty. I’ve found that revolting, appalling. I’ve found that it didn’t belong in the world in which I want to live. Worse still, after looking for an angle of legal defence, I realised he had it all figured out and there was nothing I could do to stop him from creating more damage. I took actions for my own situation, knowing this predator is still out there looking for other people to con. I felt a great deal of emotional intensity dealing with him. And today it’s coming to a close, not having to deal with him ever again, closing the chapter. When I look back, I realise he was the perfect example of that wounded masculine that didn’t know any better than dominating and persecuting his victims. It got me very angry at the legal system that could allow such a situation to exist, but I had to come to terms with it: he’s spent decades learning the system to play it at its advantage…

And then I realised that such a system will inevitably fall, for the times of fairness and reckoning always come. I can’t condone a system that allows the systemic exploitation of the less educated by the more educated, a system that allows unfairness. But that is the system in which I was born, and I thought to myself: there’s an unspoken deal out there passed onto us unconsciously. And that is in the lines of “the system is flawed and unfair under an appearance of justice, granted, but learn to use it at your advantage and one day you can dominate others, so it works at your own advantage”. Have you felt the same? Such a secret promise can only seduce beings of lower consciousness who choose to partake. But I’m not in, sorry! When enough individuals will have enough integrity and love for their fellow man, we will witness the disintegration of such medieval systems.

Back to that despicable man. Should I feel angry at him and use his own tricks against him? No, absolutely not! He would feed off my fear anger and rage, that’s what he wants (consciously or not). And I would create more bad karmic ripples. The highest way to deal with that is to cut the cord, to remove all the drama from the situation, to stay grounded and decide: no, I don’t consent to this and I refuse this situation. Step into power, behave honourably and trust that the fair man is always helped by the universe. A practice of acceptance, forgiveness and compassion is also most useful. Why compassion, you may ask? Because the karma accumulated by that man is nothing to envy, it is something he will have to pay for sooner or later, and meet his own doings as the victim. Have you ever observed how the wicked always attract disastrous situations in their lives?

So, yes, the feminine is having its time of revenge, but my last words will be of caution: do not allow the former victim to become the new perpetrator! Masculine and feminine need to work as a pair; not as opposites. Our world has been so polarised to confuse us that such a fondamental natural law may have been forgotten by some.

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